Led by Seth Freudberg and Nick Salvatore

The Options Group Mentoring program is led by Seth Freudberg, Heads Options Trader for SMB Capital, and professional SMB options trader Nick Salvatore. In addition to being deeply experienced options traders themselves, Seth and Nick have trained thousands of options traders in both individual and group mentoring formats. The Options Group Mentoring program is the most intensive options training program that SMB has ever made available to retail traders and was designed to provide a major boost to your options trading success and consistency.


Exclusive Group of Ten Options Trading Participants

Seth and Nick have limited the group to ten options traders for maximum personal attention and collaboration for each member of the group.

Individual One-on-One Strategy Session

After enrollment, you will receive and be asked to complete an intake form that assesses YOUR strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations as an options trader. Thereafter, you will take part in a recorded, archived one-on-one virtual meeting with your assigned mentor to understand and assess your current approach to options trading. At the end of the meeting, you will be charged with creating, over the next month, a portfolio of playbook trades that you commit to trading during the two-month program. Your mentor will provide you with detailed guidance as to how to accomplish that.

Strategy Development Month

After your one-on-one session, you will be engaged in creating your trade plan. To create a proper trade plan, pre-course work will be required to teach you the way that SMB traders work and develop their trade plans. This coursework will include training on how to develop a written trade plan,  how to properly back-test an options strategy, how to develop the proper psychological mindset of a professional trader, and how to review completed trades critically.

“Hot Seat”  Sessions

You will work with your mentor to finalize your portfolio of playbook trades at which point you will commence live trading according to your plan. Shortly thereafter, the group will begin attending a daily group meeting with all ten participants which will spotlight one of the members who will present his trades to the rest of the group, under the supervision of his mentor. The mentor will provide critical feedback during these sessions and other members will be encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions. Each member will have three hot seat sessions during the program to help them to fine-tune and improve their trading skills. You will be exposed to a wide variety of options strategies through this process, which is a major benefit to participating in this group mentoring program.


The hot seat sessions assure, every trader in this group will be accountable to themselves and everyone else in the group to stay on track with their trading process.

Daily Office Hours

Each afternoon the group will reconvene in a live broadcast during which Seth and/or Nick will present the trades that they were involved in that day as well as to answer any questions that group members have about the market or their personal trading.

Dedicated Slack Channel for Group Members

SMB will add each member to an exclusive Slack channel where group members can share trading experiences and post screenshots of their individual trades during the market day. This provides an outstanding opportunity for traders to understand the flow and progress of each member’s chosen strategies.

The Options Group Mentoring program is available only to participants who are actively trading non-directional and directional options trading strategies. The cost of the program is $15,000.